Our royal enthusiast
The Queen Sonja International Music Competition is blessed with the strong involvement and enthusiasm of Her Majesty Queen Sonja of Norway.

Ever since the beginning in 1988, Her Majesty Queen Sonja has shown the competition inestimable support. The support is not only shown through giving her name to the competition, but also by meeting the participants, hosting masterclasses and concerts, attending the final concert and presenting the prizes. The first prize winner even receives a signed graphic print made by HM Queen Sonja herself.
Her Majesty is genuinely invested in the competition’s prize-winners and eagerly follows their careers. This December, Her Majesty visited New York to be there for the competition’s 2015 first prize winner, Lise Davidsen’s debut at the Metropolitan Opera.
We are incredibly grateful that HM Queen Sonja – decade after decade – continues to be an important and active contributor and a wonderful ambassador to our competition.